Sheets Tip 337: Quickly Duplicate Pivot Tables

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Welcome to the Google Sheets Tips newsletter #337, your Monday morning espresso, in spreadsheet form!

I'm sharing a simple pivot table trick today that's one of those hidden gems in spreadsheets. Once you know it, you'll never go back.

Suppose you create a complex pivot table and you want to create a second version so you can try a different filter perhaps. Well, today's trick lets you quickly duplicate the pivot table, rather than having to build again from the ground up. Check it out below.

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➜ Sheets Tip #337: Quickly Duplicate a Pivot Table

Have you ever wanted to duplicate a Pivot Table, perhaps as a starting point for further data exploration?

Well, there's a quick trick for copying an existing Pivot Table, rather than starting over.

  • Click on the top left corner cell of your Pivot Table
  • Copy the pivot table (Cmd + C on a Mac, or Ctrl + C on a PC/Chromebook)
  • Paste an identical pivot table copy wherever you like in your Sheet (Cmd + V on a Mac, or Ctrl + V on a PC/Chromebook).

In this example, the top left cell is B2. I click on that cell, copy it and then paste a new pivot table below, in cell B10:

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

Bonus tip: you can also delete pivot tables quickly by selecting this top left cell and pressing Delete.

Both of these tips only work with the top left cell of the pivot table.

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Have a great week!


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