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Welcome to the Google Sheets Tips newsletter #335, your Monday morning espresso, in spreadsheet form! Today, I'm sharing some formulas that I use all the time: date formulas. I do a lot of project management planning in Sheets so I'm always needing to generate sequences of dates. Below, you'll find a roundup of the most useful. But first, I'm delighted to share today's sponsor with you. If you're serious about working with data then learning how to code with the R language is a great skill to add to your toolbelt. And there's no one better to teach you than my friend David, who runs R in 3 Months. He's an independent, dedicated technology educator (like myself) and he's kicking off his new course shortly. Please check it out: ➜ Sheets Tip #335: Useful Date Formulas in SheetsIn today's tip I want to share a bunch of useful date formulas. These come in handy for project management work, for scheduling, for modeling, and many other time-based analysis projects. Without further ado, here are six useful date formulas in Sheets: Today=TODAY() This outputs today's date. Start of the Current MonthWe can create a specific date, such as the start of the month, with a static DATE function as follows: =DATE(2025,2,1) The syntax is DATE(year, month, day). However, we can make a dynamic version that automatically updates using the EOMONTH function: =EOMONTH(TODAY(),-1)+1 This outputs the first day of the current month. EOMONTH gives the end of the month. The "-1" argument gives the previous month, i.e. the last day of the prior month. Then we add "+1" to get the 1st of the current month. End of the Current Month=EOMONTH(TODAY(),0) Start of the Next Month=EOMONTH(TODAY(),0)+1 End of the Prior Month=EOMONTH(TODAY(),-1) Next 12 MonthsWe use the SEQUENCE function to generate 12 rows of data that we turn into months: =ArrayFormula(EOMONTH(TODAY(),SEQUENCE(12,1,-1))+1) Interestingly, we can also use the native array functionality of the SORT function to shorten this to: =SORT(EOMONTH(TODAY(),SEQUENCE(12,1,-1))+1) It's also of course possible to create a simpler hard-coded version of this monthly sequence: =ArrayFormula(DATE(2025,SEQUENCE(12,1,2),1)) In our Sheet, these formulas look like this: In my own work, I've used countless variations of formulas like this last one. For example, I have a Sheet to track these newsletters and plan upcoming issues: The date column formula is: =ArrayFormula(DATE(2025,2,17) + SEQUENCE(100,1,0,7)) Stuck? Use AI to helpIf you're struggling to get the formula to work, create a list of the first 5 or 10 rows of dates, then plug it into your favorite AI tool and ask it to create a formula for you. E.g. try a prompt like this: What's the Google Sheets formula that would generate weekly dates like this: 17-Feb-2025, 24-Feb-2025, 3-Mar-2025, 10-Mar-2025, 17-Mar-2025, 24-Mar-2025, etc. If you enjoyed this newsletter, please forward it to a friend who might enjoy it. Have a great week! Cheers, |
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Brought to you by: Hi Reader, Welcome to the Google Sheets Tips newsletter #334, your Monday morning espresso, in spreadsheet form! I don't know about you but I LOVE MAPS. It might be because my hobbies—cycling, hiking, climbing—mostly revolve around backcountry travel, of which maps are an intrinsic part of the game. From as early as I can remember, I've had an affinity for maps. So, I'm excited to share today's tip. It marries my professional work and personal use cases for Google tools....
Brought to you by: Hi Reader, Welcome to the Google Sheets Tips newsletter #333, your Monday morning espresso, in spreadsheet form! This might be one of the most useful newsletters I've written. And I can't believe I've waited this long (7+ years!) to cover this topic. I'm sharing 10 incredibly useful modifications you can make to your Google Sheets URLs to change how they behave. You can share your Sheet as a template, in a minimal editor, or save as a PDF, and more. Find it all below in tip...
Brought to you by: Hi Reader, Welcome to the Google Sheets Tips newsletter #332, your Monday morning espresso, in spreadsheet form! Today I have a quick and easy tip to share with you. It's a useful, but probably underused, feature of Google Sheets that makes it super easy to find things in the menus. Check it out below. But before that, I want to share my latest AI + Sheets experiment. At the end of last week, OpenAI launched Operator, an AI agent tool that can browse websites and perform...